Individual learning, anytime, anywhere learn English or Polish with great results.

Why do we learn foreign languages?

It is without a wither of a doubt that languages are the primary core of communication, understanding and social development.

Learning new languages comes with great benefits. Not only does it enable us to communicate with a wider population, but it also expands our general intelligence and widens the horizons of a great future.

And by learning another language, we also avoid any mishaps we could encounter in the foreseeable future regarding the lack of communication.

Avoiding awkward social situations is a win no matter what!

What stops You from learning a foreign language?

However, these great advantages aren’t served to you as a dinner on a plate. Learning a new language can be a daunting task, even for linguists themselves. Of course, we are all dragged down by the lack of motivation and other needed things, as for example money or spare time.

That is why we, have developed a flexible way of effective learning:

  • anywhere,
  • whether you have slow or fast internet connection,
  • easy, convenient and based on practical knowledge and professional experience.

That is why we provide only the bespoke services tailored to Your individual needs as well. You, like each of our satisfied learners, will get Your own Individual learning suited to Your schedule.

The biggest mistakes in language learning and how to avoid them

There are many ways to teach languages. There are also many ways to not do it effectively. Common mistakes include:

  • an inflexible schedule,
  • an inappropriate teacher,
  • the lack of organisation or communication between the learner and the teacher,
  • the number of learners in group courses or lessons can reach up to 30 people.

An online course won’t do the job, and neither will a talk with an ‘advanced artificial intelligence / AI’ only.

And neither will an inexperienced teacher, lacking the charisma and competence to teach You in an efficient manner.

Don’t waste your time, money and effort on something which ultimately won’t work!

Is individual learning of a foreign language difficult?

Yes, and no. It can be either a slow and boring process, or an intriguing and immersing one. Being taught by our experienced linguist with a broad grasp on both English and Polish would very surely make it for You an unforgettable experience. However, You decide how You want to spend Your time, whether nice and quiet, or lethargic and slowly wasting Your energy. It is You, after all, who decides whether You want to get the best experience or below the average one.

Quick breaking of the language barrier

  1. Do you really still think you can’t learn English or Polish?
  2. Are you really valuing yourself so low?
  3. Do you not have the motivation to do so?
  4. Are You really scared that You might do something wrong, and risk being laughed at?

Get those negative thoughts out of your mind! Stop worrying about such silly nuisances! Everyone is capable of doing something great. And so are You! Not only great things, but great things in a quick fashion and in a great atmosphere.

Try to convince Yourself that behind the mind of clouded thoughts, a deep blue sky lays behind, and You only need a few footsteps in the right direction to reach it!

The solution to Your problems – individual learning with!

No matter your English or Polish abilities or how weak your internet is, You will still learn valuable things which will benefit You massively in the future. All questions will be answered regarding Polish or English by the enthusiasts who actually care.

We will make learning a language seem to You like one of the most relaxing endeavours on this planet rather than a harrowing task.

Try out our hearty teaching, you won’t regret it!

To clarify, we have more than 20 years of experience. We translate, proofread and write texts of high qualities, and have the ability to use SEO to not only our advantage but to Yours too.